Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Welcome New Pups!

The newest litter has arrived! Five pups in all! Everyone is a beauty.

Adorable! How can you resist?

Sophia's Pups

Pick your favorite pup! Loveable and friendly, each has its own personality, and is ready to be loved by you!

Last of the litters for a couple of years ...I'm pooped!

This is the 3rd and final litter that happened...by happened I mean not planned...being snowed in for 9 days in december in my home resulted in this .I will show you this litter then go backwards to show you the ones sold.

Sunday, May 3, 2009

Beautiful Duplex is for lease on July 1st!

I have been renting my lower floor of my home off and on for 30 years now. It is 1,800 sq.ft. with has beautiful ebony colored hard wood floors that were cut at the turn of the century and are first cut oak, and a deck with amazing views of the skyline and sound.

The rent is $2,650.00 and it is on Craigs List. I can only post 4 pictures so I am putting more up on my blog for people to see.