Friday, December 31, 2010

Palomas pups at 6 weeks

This is Pablo...he is the biggest boy....beautiful ,thick ,shiny coat...and great eyes....and really laid back.

Paloma II...she's the salt and pepper and the hair is what I'm going for in the the long snout too.

Oh.oh....this is the tiniest Chipuly ever...but she does not put up with the bigger ones messing w/her...her name is Alexandra after my 4th daughter because she was born on her B-Day and is a lil Spit fire...they both are...but can be sweet too....she is not 1 lbs. yet and is 6 weeks old.

This is Dora Marr...she small but not tiny...great markings and hops like a rabbit...really funny.

This is cute Blue..silly and funny ..he will be running in one direction and does a 180 and zip off in the other he forgot something....a real Player.....i'm thinking he's turning silver .

can you tell the Picasso show is in town?

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Yum...fresh "Tako'and zukes for Fav.

Sittin and sewing Christmas Blankets whilethe dogs hang...made 9 blankets this well as jewels for friends and family.

Christmas at one of my daughters home.

I had my ugly Xmas sweather on and I said i wouldn't post her pick because of no make-up...what ever she is beautiful with or without.
Kim is holding Mr. Stinky...Thomas new truck.

Thomas and his new Grandma Blanket...

Cute and very smart JR explaining his new toy to me.

Friday, December 24, 2010

Palomas pups at 4 weeks

The pups are doing great and are very loving and pp pad trained already...if you can see little Alexandra in the middle of this pile...she is 1/3 rd. the size of the other two pups.
this is Blue and Pablo sitting for their official photo.

This is Dora Mar.

Monday, December 13, 2010

Willow want to be a Deer for Christmas?

Still trying to get Willow to be a Christmas dog for my grandson...Mom's on board...still working on dad...she is the sweetest most layed back dog and the best part with two young boys is she's non-breakable.

Look at those ears....Papillion all the way...nice snout ...and almond eyes.

Saturday, December 11, 2010

Paloma's pups are eating mush time flys.

This is at 2 weeks but now they are 3&1/2 wks...and padding around so i just changed the bed so they can start using the PP pads...and they are doing very the puppy's like a fix..puppy fix...i wonder if i can bottle that smell?

Great Birthday...thanks to all

What more can a girl ask for?especially if you are from oh my...thanks to a cute "younger man"...and live lobster to boot...I'd rather have crayfish bisque...but no where to be found in Seattle.

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Paloma has 3 week olds last litter for a while to catch up on new jewelry

This is 30 minutes after she had her babies...she is so proud and happy...2 boys and 3 girls where born on the 17th of since the Picasso show is in town i named them after the show...there is PalmoaII,Pablo,Blue(who is turning silver) Doar Marr,and because it was on my youngest daughter's B-Day the tiniest and scrappiest and so tiny one I named Alexandra after her.

* hours before I was in the Doctors office with an injured my Rotor Cuff...ohhh it hurt so I packed up Paloma and we headed to the office...well when we got there everyone in the waiting room wanted to see her so I let her out and miss silly Poodle went around to everyone twirling and hopping around and then headed down the hall and fell over like the "fainting Goats"...I thought oh no not here ...but she just pooped her self out and we mad it home and had pups later with me delivering with one hand...
and on pain meds.